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Through the Prophet Haggai, God sends a message to 50,000 repatriated Jews in Jerusalem and Judah who had let their priorities become wonky. They laid the foundation of a new temple, but ceased all activity for 14 years because of oppression and sabotage from enemies. God was no longer the priority, and giving Him glory as the God of Israel had slipped to the bottom of the "to do" list. They had no plan to get back on track, so God shares a plan with them.

His first word of this plan is the word "go." "Go" is the opposite of what had been taking place for 14 years and we would use words to describe their inactivity like; dormancy, idleness, and inert. "Go" is a starting point to change the old non plan into a new plan that accomplishes the privilege of magnifying God's name in the world.

What's interesting about God's plan to get up and get moving towards building Him a house is that He never said a word about the oppression or sabotage that the people were experiencing. Nothing. He offered no plan of attack or hint that He might handle it Himself, He simply called His people to trust that He would make a way for them to finish what He asked them to start. What a test of faith!

Today, Christ's church in modern, humanistic countries is under attack like no living American has ever witnessed. There is a growing presence of oppression and sabotage and the sad statistics are now coming to light. More churches are closing their doors than ever and pastors are leaving the ministry in large numbers. This doesn't need to be like this if we keep our eyes on the Word of God and trust that He will make a way to finish what He asked us to start. He doesn't need to tell us HOW He will handle oppression when the word out of His mouth was simply "go." "Go" from the mouth of the Lord is far superior to "stop" on the lips of our enemy.

Let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Gal 6:9

and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Matthew 16:18b

Pastor Scott Evans

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